Meringue Flower


Ingredients: Sugar, egg whites, salt,...

KLT: 10g

HSD: 10 days

Instructions for use: Use immediately after opening the package. Do not use products that have expired or show signs of mold, people who are allergic to the ingredients of the cake

Storage: Store at room temperature, away from sunlight

Meringue Flower Cake is a wonderful cake made from eggs, sugar. The cake has a light sweet taste, the texture is crispy and light like a snowflake. With its beautiful and delicate shape, the meringue flower cake is the perfect choice for parties, weddings or special occasions.


The combination of technique and art, meringue flower cake is a pastry mónhas a sweet, attractive and unique beauty.


The Meringue Flower cake originated in France and is loved around the world. If you want to enjoy a wonderful and unique dessert, buy it and enjoy its great taste.