Sponge Cake


Ingredients: Chicken eggs, flour, sugar, egg sauce, cotton rub, ....

KLT: 60g

HSD: 14 days

Instructions for use: Use immediately after opening the package. Do not use products that have expired or show signs of mold

Storage: Store at room temperature, away from sunlight

The velvety soft sponge cake has been decorated with a layer of sweet jam and a layer of sponge cake covering the top of the cake. The cake's crust is soft and elastic, when lightly pressing on the surface of the cake, you will feel the softness of the cake.

The sweet jam layer and the fluffy mousse covered on top of the cake create the perfect combination. The soft and chewy texture of the cotton layer makes the cake more interesting and attractive.

With a combination of soft crust, sweet jam and fluffy sponge cake, the sponge cake is an enchanting dish. The delicious taste of the cake will make you irresistible and want to take another bite