Pound Cake Raisin


Ingredients: Chicken eggs, wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, raisins, water, wheat starch, ....

Net weight: 50g

Best before: 60 days

Instructions for use: Consume immediately after opening the packaging. Do not use expired or moldy products.

Storage: Store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

Pound Cake Raisin is a popular and well-loved sweet treat. The cake has a sweet and refreshing taste, with the delightful aroma of grapes combined with the alluring flavor of rum. It has a soft and delicate texture. Pound Cake Raisin is often enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee, making it a wonderful light meal for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

With its distinctive grape and rum flavor, Pound Cake Raisin is not only delicious but also beneficial for health. Grapes are rich in antioxidants and provide various vitamins and minerals that are good for the body.

Pound Cake Raisin is a widely loved and popular dish around the world. If you haven't tried it yet, seek out and indulge in this special cake. You will surely be captivated by its sweet and refreshing taste and the wonderful aroma of grapes in every slice.