Belgian Waffle Almond


Ingredients: Chicken eggs, wheat flour, sugar, water, margarine, butter, yeast, ...

Net weight: 30g

Best before: 60 days

Instructions for use: Consume immediately after opening the packaging. Do not use expired or moldy products.

Storage: Store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

Waffle is a popular sweet treat worldwide. If you're looking for a delicious combination of chocolate and hazelnut, then Belgian Waffle Almond is an excellent choice.

With its premium chocolate layer spread on top of the waffle, along with the delightful hazelnuts, Belgian Waffle Almond will satisfy even the most discerning eaters. This waffle is perfect to enjoy at any time of the day, from breakfast to dinner or as a snack.

With its special and enticing flavor, Belgian Waffle Almond is definitely a great choice for chocolate and hazelnut lovers. Indulge in this waffle to savor the delicious taste and blissful experience in every bite.